Friday, October 10, 2008

BLACK MY HEART - Before The Devil

Before The Devil
Eulogy Recordings

Roughened hardcore that explores the style’s darker nature is what “Before The Devil” is made of, with vocalist Wheeler leading the charge with appropriately barbed-wire throated barks and screams. Black My Heart indulges in their fair share of chugga-chugga riffing, but their more up-tempo guitar rhythms are more reflective of thrash metal. With lines continually blurring between types of music, the group’s fury-filled material would be something that the pissed-off hardcore kids would definitely be attracted to.

“We Weren’t Brought Up Right” finds Black My Heart closing things out with a massive, Biohazard-style hardcore chant, while the frenzied, rapid beat of “What You Know About?” makes for ample pit fodder. Sometimes the vocals tend to drag behind the riffing a bit, which makes the band stand out, but at times seems out of place.

Keith Dece is a qualified basher, implementing plenty of inventiveness into his technique. He’s really skilled at building drama during the song and his well-placed fills and rolls make the more standard hardcore riffs that much more interesting.

A dark vibe surrounds songs like “My Way” and “Thick As Blood”, not only a result of production, but of the playing style of each of the band members. Nine tracks in almost thirty minutes indicates that these guys put a little more thought into their songwriting than many hardcore outfits, but a little more for the money wouldn’t be so bad either.

By: xkingofallcorex

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